So today is my boyfriend’s birthday…

birthday skeleton

Happy birthday Ry ❤ I love you so very much and am so blessed to have you in my life ❤ I can’t imagine a day without you in it ❤ I love you more than anything, because you are my everything ❤

You’ve helped me through so much and the last six months of knowing you has simply been a gift ❤ You’re always there for me and each day brightens exponentially when you are in it ❤ I don’t know what I’d do without you ❤ You are so special and wonderful and kind and caring and considerate and poetic and loving and charming and cute and adorable and accepting and supportive and strong and courageous and honourable and funny and pure and smexy and honest and trustworthy and playful and flirtatious and protective and sweet and mature and open and inspiring and responsible and expressive and good looking and humble and forgiving and fit and my guardian and and loyal and true and faithful and thoughtful and smart and genius and persistant and level-headed and talented and dependable and wonderful and special and unjudging and outgoing and silly and just… You are perfect ❤ and perfectly mine ///^.^/// I am truly the luckiest person in the world ❤ You are my angel ❤ My life ❤ My light ❤ my love ❤ my soulmate ❤ I couldn’t be without you ❤ I’m sorry that I can’t be with you on your special day, but I love you more than anything and had to make sure that you got the first HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me ❤ I love you ❤

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