Happy Birthday Rybee!!! <3 :)

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful boyfriend! ❤ I love you so much and I’m so lucky to have gotten to spend another year with you! 🙂 I hope to day is as special as you are and that you enjoy the cake 😀 I’m sorry I can’t be there with you but I am always here for you ❤ Every moment of every day ❤ We have been through so much together and through everything I know that you love me and that I will always love you ❤ Happy birthday my love ❤ my light ❤ my heart ❤


(pic by littleredren on DeviantArt)

in closing… have the bestest birthday ever with cake, partying and happiness 🙂 ❤

Sorry I haven’t posted much lately…

School just started up again and it’s my senior year so it’s kinda VERY important >.<  Also, my boyfriend and I just broke up so I’ve been avoiding the internet in general… So as the school year starts to progress and things settle into a sort of pattern I will start posting more, promise ^^ Lastly, I GOT MY FIRST JOB 😀 yayayayayayayay so that’s exciting and awesome 🙂 but it also makes my hectic schedule a bit more cramped along with all my other stuff… But I will be back to posting regularly soon, promise ^_^
~Lots of luv, Polly ❤